Thursday, June 30, 2011

Small Style (Little Leps)

 Dress, Poly Flinders, hand me down. Basket, vintage, ebay, about 10. Sandals, Old Navy clearance last fall, 5. Headband, Target dollar bin.
 Ava "styles" herself most days. This day was no different. She pack some crayons in her basket. You never no when you'll have an art emergency!
 Clementine is REALLY into wearing shoes right now, but still not walking. She'll be one on Saturday.
 Janie and Jack dress and shoes, 5.00 from a friend who was clearing out.

Oh, I love how this picture turned out! And fitting the thrifty theme of this post, I salvaged the chair from my great grandmas basement. It was totally forties lilac colored velvet, with a little discoloration around the bottom of the skirt.
Then a few years ago I had it professionally cleaned but they turned it rusty orange. I complained of course and they paid to have it reupholstered. So I got it done in jade...since no one manufactures lilac velvet anymore. So that's the story of a free chair, and dressing 2  girls for 21.00 including shoes and accessories.
Of course it's not just about saving money. I want my girls to feel beautiful and know that they are valuable and worth splurging on every once and awhile. But I also want them to know they boundless opportunities it they just look a little further than the mall.
So of course I'm linking up with Morgan today-go check out the cute kids!


  1. great buy on the janie and jack dress and shoes!

  2. Your girls look so precious! And what amazing accessories. I adore that basket and the chair is divine!
