Saturday, June 25, 2011

Contest results! Questions answered!

Park outfit: Shorts, Gap capri's cut off, gift. Top, Old Navy from way back, 8. sandals, Birkenstock, 60. Necklace, Anthropologie, 38. Headband, Bloomsbury Loft at Country Living Fair, 18.
And now onto the important stuff: THE WINNERS! For best question, Emily. And for the random link up winner, Kelli!

From E:

I'm not a mom, but I also have no idea what looks good on my body, makeup or clothes. I'm in the process of losing weight and tired of the same old-same old frumpy look. What are your suggestions for those "between" days when you're losing weight, but not at your ideal, so you don't want to spend any real $$$ on stuff??
(How's that for a complicated question??)

Dear E,

So easy, you'll faint. You get 2-3 easy summer dresses in a neutral color. Just above or below the knee, cap sleeves, wrap style or empire waist is universally flattering. I would start at Target, about 30.00 should get you one of these babies. Purchasing with a flowy fit in mind, you should get more wear than with a fitted style which you will quickly be too small for.

Just rotate them and change up accessories, which I'm sure you have plenty of! Wear with a wedge, or flat sandal for a cute summer look that's neat as a pin!

Now, take it from me: I gained 98 pounds with my first baby and punished myself by not allowing myself anything nice till I lost the weight. Well, guess what? I'm still bigger than I was before, ie I never lost all of the weight, but my philosophy has changed. Because I felt horrible for about two whole years. And then I got pregnant again and got a new outlook:

I would reccomend rewarding yourself for progress by buying a cute little accessory that you really love, and add that to your new look. You need to feel good about how you look, but investing in clothes right now just isn't smart. Accessories are a great investment item because a fab ring or necklace and shoes can make a Target dress look AMAZING!

As for a beauty routine, I would go to the Clinique or Clarins counter at Macy's and ask for a basic face. I would then think about what you liked and what you didn't and go from there-you can sub in discount products from CVS.

I personally like Garnier moisturizer, Smashbox Photo Primer (totally worth the investment-makes skin look great!!!) and powder mineral make up and BOIING concealer from Benefit. Then maybe a cheapo mascara and Maybelline eyebrow pencil. Blush is very flattering if you use the right shade. Lip gloss is another you can skimp on, then you're good to go!

And congrats-you're the best (ok only) question-you have won an hour of closet counseling from me! Now if you want to meet at Target for some serious shopping, at you place for a closet clean out, or whatever, just contact me and we'll set you up!

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