Thursday, January 30, 2014

DIY piniatas

I have a plan. I'm going to love-bomb my kids on February 15th. Heart donuts for breakfast, and all that. But I'm gonna kick the party off with homemade piniatas hung over their doors when they wake up!
Here's the deal: I made 3 and filled them for 10.00. And spent an hour total doing it. 
You'll need a hot glue gun, a glue stick, ribbon or string, scissors, tissue paper, and white paper. I used sketch paper. 
First flatten 3 sheets of tissue paper and cut down the middle, longways. 
Then cut that into three strips. 
Hold the ends together and pull them tight, to flatten the wrinkles.  
Then start cutting your fringe! I spaced mine about 2/3 of an inch apart, leaving about an inch at the top uncut. 
Now, cut your hearts! I cut one heart, then folded it over another piece of paper to trace the second one. This keeps them even. 
Now, use your glue stick on the heart, then stick the top of your fringe on! Start at the bottom and work your way up. Trust me!

Once you've finished, trim the excess tissue paper from the top, so the shape will still show. 
Using your glue gun, make a line of glue on one inside heart, most of the way around. Leave enough unglued that you can fill it! Quickly attach the other inside heart. 
Now for the fun! Start stuffing your piniata!

Using hot glue, seal up the top 
Then punch two holes at the top of the heart, tie on some string  or ribbon, and you're ready for action!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Painting DIY

How to paint a room by yourself while your kids are asleep and your husband is out of town:

First, you'll need some good music. Like if you are painting your dining room black, the Stones Paint it Black might be a good option. 
(Also if you leave your stacks of records out, the next morning you should be prepared for a discussion about men wearing women's wigs....)
Next, gather your supplies and test an area to make sure you love it! Or if you're impatient and can't wait....
I use Wooster rollers and 2 inch angled trim brushes. If you're careful, you won't need to tape. 
(I also use Valspar paint+primer. Worth ever penny!!)
Get your spackle out if you have any nail holes to fill. Slather it on , then wipe off excess with a wet paper towel. Of cousre you will want to go ahead and get about 10 paper towels wet in case you drip. (You will.)
I like to roll it side to side first. This help decrease splatter from a too full roller. 
Now you can go up and down! Work it!
I use the angled brush to smooth drips and do the edges and corners. After you roll a section, do your edges while the paint is still wet. Then repeat. I do the top of the walls last, so I can hook the paint tray to the top of the ladder and go for it. It's most efficient this way. 
If you're like  me and work over several days, use press n seal to seal up your roller and brush. And don't forget to close the paint can!
Then you can jump back in for 20 minutes here and there  
Ahhhh....enjoy your fine work and cunning use of black paint. It looks good, doesn't it?! 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Slap together outfit

Don't you love it when you slap together something and it actually works?!
Yeah, it doesn't happen to me, either. Except this outfit. It works! I think the secret is (always) in the boots. 
If you invest in a few pairs of good boots, or even one really neutral pair, you can save the hassle of replacing them when they wear out, the sore feet that result from cheap ones, and they just make you feel cool:)
                       Sweater and pants, Old Navy 10 each. Peter Pan shirt, F21 via PlatosCloset, 6. Boots, frye via eBay, 125. (I used my Christmas money from my family:)) 
What is your wardrobe staple that you splurge on?

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Paint It Black

So I got these instagrams printed...then I started thinking about how great they would look on a black wall. Not too shiny, or too matte....

...then I decided to paint my half bath. It would be the perfect place! 
Because for some reason, I always come up with the motivation to do this stuff on drill weekend, and this was of course a three day, overnight drill weekend for Rett 
Because I'm crazy. I just need to be too busy to feel sorry for myself, I guess. 
So. Spur of the moment ideas are the best. Or the worst. You just don't know til you act on them. Paint in haste, repaint in leisure!
Then I was thinking about how great this new vintage tablecloth would look in a black dining room...
...just the right pop of coral! PS: check out my treasures I got last week-in a snow storm-in Martinsville-with my sister, Ginger!

It looks AMAZING! I LOVE it!! It was a brilliant plan!

Now, what to do with THESE instagrams that were all over my dining room?!

Next, I'm posting my painting tips and DIY for cheap, lazy painters:)
Do come back!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

I sewed a dress!

I am ridiculously happy about this dress! I bought a pattern, downloaded it and peiced it together. Then I cut the fabric, followed the directions to a T, and, with a few minor mistakes: a dress!! It even had a zipper!
I did it!!!
If you think you can't sew, you're right. But this is a beginner pattern from colette patterns, and it was ver straightforward. So if you want to try your hand, do it! The pattern name is Peony. I totally reccomend it. I got two more patterns that I'm excited to try when I find the right fabric...harder than it sounds!
This fabric is from a vintage barkcloth curtain. I bought it on eBay when I was pregnant with my 6 year old, for her nursery. Since we moved, I have no window for it. And it's perfect as a dress. 
So that is the story of my Scarlett Ohara dress. Tights, Old Navy. Boots, Frye via eBay. 
Then this happened. Quickly followed by this:)

Friday, January 3, 2014

Red Lipstck Days

I have the pleasure of being a guest on my friend Amy's blog this morning, check it out!

Here's a little teaser...

Joyful abandon. These two words quickly come to mind when I reflect on the pictures I see on my friend April’s Facebook wall. She wrote a comment about one of her pictures the other day that resonated with my purpose here at Middle of the Mess. She mentioned the idea of wearing red lipstick being a noteworthy event in the middle of the mundane of daily life. I felt it best that I let her elaborate on this in her own words (thanks, Denise, for the idea). I believe we can learn so much by sharing our stories with one another!
By April Strasler:
I am a stay at home, homeschooling, bread baking, art making, Instagramming mama. Most days, I am reading recipes, making grocery lists, baking, breastfeeding, making lunches, and washing diapers. I read to my kids, cook with them, and discipline them. We learn the Gospel and the words to “Danger Zone.” These are good days.
The days when I have a coffee date with a girlfriend or two, a hair appointment, or my husband watches the kids so I can go thrifting by myself? Also good.