Tuesday, July 19, 2011


    I used to be a trend shopper, and felt out of style if there was something new I didn't dip my little toes into. Now that I'm more confident in who I am, my style has fallen into place for me.

     As my uniform is part of my persona, it's only fitting that it's regionally appropriate. I am a born and bred Hoosier, and I embrace the basic, long wearing staples of the mid-west: Jeans, cotton tees, cowboy boots. With my own twist-quirky, eclectic and fun. I call it my Doris Day side.

I should call it James Dean meets Doris Day, now that I think of it. Hey, James Dean was a born and bred Hoosier too!
      (Doesn't he just look like the original GAP ad?)
     The back bone of my look is the sturdy classics, jeans, tees and boots or flats, long hair, bangs. That is the biggest chunk of my spending ( I know I'll use these pieces a lot, so the cost per wear is better than a "big" trendy piece.) This is the hardest part to figure out-it only sounds effortless because I've got it down at this point.
    I get a lot of inspiration from the forties, fifties and very early sixties. I love the fresh, clean look of the sixties shifts, big sunglasses and black and minty green. Very sophisticated but just as wearable. I love the exuberance and fun of the fifties, and the late forties vacation-nation attitude. I love the music, movies, cars, clothes, home trends, colors and the fun easy culture.

  I think I'm drawn to this era because it idealized the family as well as glamor, travel, ease and sophistication. It was the first wave of leisure culture after world war II. It was optimistic (overly so) cheery and fun.

     I used to have a certain amount in our budget (when we had one) for clothes every month, when I was working. Now I pretty much just try not to spend anything unless it's for a necessity. A necessity to me is a replacement item in most cases. It's not a good deal, something I just like, or retail therapy. Although  I do infrequently indulge in all of the above!
     What it is is replacing a black tee when it gets stained, replacing mascara when I run out, replacing flats when the soles are worn through. Actually, I have a pair of leopard flats from WalMart that I've used so much the heels are completely gone. But I won't buy a replacement until I find the perfect ones (That means I love them AND can afford them!) Which means when I wear them and it's raining...I always regret wearing them.

     This is where having a "uniform" comes in. Having a wardrobe that I love, styles that are flattering, and colors that all go together keeps me "style-happy" instead of feeling deprived because I don't get a lot of new stuff. I feel good and like myself in what I wear, which has come by a lot of trial and error!
     What inspires you? I love to hear of new ideas!

1 comment:

  1. My uniform would be jeans, capris or shorts with a cute shirt, usually not a tee shirt. I think this is partly due to where I grew up... suburbs of Chicago, and partly because on a larger figure the tees don't look as cute. I'd love to wear more dresses and skirts, and do that in the winter with tights and danskos... because it's easy, feminine and fun. Also, aprons come and go as part of the at home uniform... they're actually quite handy and keep the clothing a bit cleaner. I just don't have a great place to keep them in easy reach.
