Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Style Milestones + outfit of the day

Tee, WalMart, 5. Jeans, Gap, 30. Birks, eBay, 60. Ray Ban Wayfarers, gift.

Hedge hog ring, nOir via Swirl, 15.

I love the clean lines of this outfit, with the print on the tee for interest. I became of fashion-age in the retro-grunge era, what more can I say? 10 years ago, I would've never shopped at Gap. The tee and ring would have been paired with a pooofy fifties formal skirt, rhinestone chokers and army boots I got at Salvation Army for a buck. So I guess we all grow up sometime, huh?

This actually brings me to another post I've been mulling over: Where I cemented my style along my journey.
In one sense, I've always been different. Otherwise known as unique. Or Not-Like-The-Others, depending on which stance you take on conformity.
In a second sense, in high school I tried a lot of artsy things, mostly inspired by music (still my biggest fashion muse by far).
Third, a few years later I was forced to constantly defend my right to a personal style in a church that was hell-bent on women conforming. I mean vigilante style. I was even told that there would be a dress code posted on the church door due to me. I didn't stick around much longer to find out.

Fourth, I lost myself during my first pregnancy and after my first baby. I was miserable at work, couldn't lose the baby weight and really loathed myself. Which I didn't fully realize until the final stop; now, where I finally feel like myself again. Only more confident and secure. And although I'm still a little heavier than I was before kids, I appreciate the size I am after not being this small for 4 years!

So I've come a long way! But I still like that edge in an outfit. The edge that says "I don't care what you think" even though I am not opposed to looking like a mommy whose stays home and needs to be practical. I'm still me. I was lost, but I am found. And I like me, God made me different and I accept that gift with wide open arms.

But you know what? I have been cut deeply by that church experience. I saw some congregants out in the community tonight, and I'm still shaking, writing this, five hours later. Just SEEING them. It's as though I have post traumatic stress syndrome. I wish that this was not the case, but I am thankful that I have my eyes open. I've learned a lot. I have never been tempted to change to please man, and I have yet to find a Biblical law regarding all women dressing alike. In fact it has only strengthened my belief that God created diversity in nature because He enjoys it.

So after I had Ava, I really felt awful about myself. I think it took me being able to quit my job and really do some spiritual growth to be happy about myself again. About 2 years later, I was trying to find my groove again, but still feeling blah a lot. Finally after Clementine I lost all of the weight and then some! And I feel great. I'm in 8's which I haven't seen in about 6 years, and feel like my GOOD self again! I'm constantly finding inspiration and motivation! It's priceless. And yeah, Obviously I'm still a "creative dresser" which is my sweet spot.

Do you have a style journey and style milestones? Has your style changed drastically or just a bit over the years? Come on, I need to know!

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