Thursday, July 7, 2011

Small Style (Little Leps)

 Sleeping Beauty dress, borrowed. Leggings, 2, Children's Place via garage sale. Vintage chair that she HAD-TO-HAVE at Nancy's in Terre Haute, bought with her birthday money a few years ago.
 "Goo-goo goggles" from the Easter bunny. The Easter bunny got them at TJMaxx, 4.

Gymboree sun suit, 13. Her birthday out fit!
 Clementine's dress, Gymboree, 12 with a Christmas gift card. Ava's dress, Lydia Jane, TJ Maxx, 7 on clearance. Socks (what a look, I know!) 1, clearance from Gymboree. Shoes, Converse, birthday gift from Daddy.

As always, I'm linking up with Morgan at Mama Loves Papa!


  1. the first to photos are to die! love! :)

  2. Audrey has that same Lydia Jane dress! And the socks are perfect!
