Martyr-moms. I bet you know one or two. They always have a long list of the things they've done for their family on the tip of the tongue. And of course, as they are quick to tell you, all these things they've done for the greater good is at the sacrifice of their
own self. I'm not talking about putting other first-God commands us to do that. I mean wearing a list of chores and sacrifices as your super-hero cape. (You're not a super hero, no need to pretend!)
One part of the fruit of the spirit is JOY! God does require us to be selfless with our family and our world, but that does not mean losing your identity in the mop water. He says that He made us wonderfully, and in His image. He is the creator, and so it stands to reason that we are made to be creative too. I know that I am, and I thrive when I am creating something- a cozy home, a pretty outfit, a painting, dinner...really it is the act of creation more than the result for me.
Maybe you're inspired by something totally different. As a mom, the time for these things is limited, but not gone. It's a delicate balance, but totally worth the effort to carve out some time to get passionate! Enjoy the way He made you, embrace what makes you you. Discard entirely the ideas that you can be perfect, have it all, etc. You can't.
What you get in exchange is freedom to be joyful! If you have Christ, you are free from trying to do it all, because you know He is doing it all. It is NOT all you! And when you accept this gift, you are so liberated to just enJOY the good life He has planned for you. Love the way He made you by nurturing the person He designed you to be. Because you alone can never give enough. But if He fills you up? The pressure is off, because you will never run dry!
I want this so much for all of us as women, and especially as moms. It's so easy to give it all away, to lose your self in the to-do list. But here's the thing-the list is always there. Your babies are not. Nor are your kids, teenagers, your grand-babies. Wring all the joyful memories you can from the phase you are in, with out too much worry for the days ahead. Love the panda track suit, the pink cowboy boots, the plastic jewelry, the Grinch (For the 102nd time. This week.) the PB and H sandwiches that look like crowns.
And also? The time you have after they go to bed to read Gone With The Wind, drink wine, paint, plan and dream. Let God fill you up!
If the kids play together for a few minutes here and there, accept the gift and do something fun! If you keep a sketch book and pencils in the kitchen drawer for just such an occasion, so much the better.
Embrace the life God has given you with JOY, knowing that this world is only temporary, and the best days here are only a pale reflection of what awaits you when you are with Him in heaven.
And do tell me, what brings you JOY? Do you make time for it?
What a great reminder to all of us. What things bring me JOY? Time with friends, time to write, teaching students who are hungry and joyful about learning (and surprised that they enjoy it!), learning that I can create things that give others JOY, meeting new people, trying new things, not being afraid to step in a new and unexpected direction, being different than what is expected of me (not by God's standards, but by human standards... ). Being able to embrace closing in on 50 years of living and realizing that God is not done with me because I'm older!
ReplyDeleteThanks for answering some of my questions!
(Oh, and time with my creative friend.. on the phone, in the car, with the kids, junkin', creating, dreaming... always a blessing!)