On Saturday afternoon, we went out. It was almost 50 degrees outside, drizzly and gray. Clementine didn't even wear a coat!
We ran in to Cactus Flower for a minute. It's a local boutique vintage shop in an old house with a turret and bay windows...and jam-packed to the gills with offbeat fashion. It was one of my favorite places when I was in high school. I knew she would love it.
She said, "This cattus haves red wips, just like ME!"
Then we went by Moonstones, another of my favorite shops back in the day. She loved looking at all the stones...and had a great time choosing 3 for a dollar.
Taking her was so fun, she's so much like me as far as being a creative dresser. And of course, all the college girls were noticing her red lips and her outfit and telling her how much they loved her style, which was, as Clemmie says, "Pretty coo'"
While the girls were checking out books with daddy, James noticed a fire truck outside. We raced out to see it flashing, sirens blaring. He loved it.
This, before we even start the truck, every time. I love having bookworms!
Then we hit Dairy Queen on the way home...strawberry cheese quake blizzard!!! It was the most perfect Saturday!